Part VI

The true origin of the knot theory

Knot theory, as a part of topology is dated for a bit more than 200 years.
Is this right?
My visit to Las Vegas convinced me that this dating may be completely, absolutely, totally wrong! Why?
Just have a look by yourself at the picture I took at the entrance to one of the biggest casinos.
Don't you think the sphinx could have been a knot theorist?
I think he was.

The first knot theorist
(based on the photograph taken by the author by himself)

Knot theory was born in sweat and pain.
The birth of the physics of knots took place in radically different circumstances.
That this was the case one can see looking at another painting by Axentowicz.
No sweat. No pain. Just a friendly look.
And a knot of a mutual understanding.
Maybe more.

The birth of the physics of knots
(based on Redhead by Teodor Axentowicz)